Alliance for Nanosystems VLSI

Technology: Electronics

Caltech-KNI and Leti-Minatec have joined their expertise to transition from the era of “nanocraft” to very-large-scale integration (VLSI) of nanosystems. The Alliance for Nanosystems VLSI has primarily targeted the following areas for VLSI-based nanosystems technological development: High sensitivity gas-phase chemical sensors including preanalytical and chemical separation modules; highly-multiplexed, microfluidic-interfaced mass spectrometry (Mass spectrometry for single cell protein measurements
Microfluidic devices for single cell measurements); and Liquid-phase biochemical sensors for pharmaceutical research and point-of-care diagnostics (Sub-cellular force measurements). Read More…

CalNIN – California Nano Industry Network

Technology: Statutes

This site is designed to be a platform for sharing information on nanotechnology and related activities in California along the nano-industry value chain, providing updates on law, policy, and regulatory initiatives that could potentially impact the development or use of nanomaterials in California. Read More…

FlexTech Alliance

Technology: Facilitator

The FlexTech Alliance caims to be he only organization headquartered in North America exclusively devoted to fostering the growth, profitability and success of the electronic display and flexible, printed electronics supply chain. Leveraging its history in promoting the display industry as the U.S. Display Consortium, FlexTech offers expanded collaboration between and among industry, academia, and research organizations for advancing displays and flexible, printed electronics from R&D to commercialization. Read More…

International Association of Nanotechnology (IANT)

Technology: Facilitator

The International Association of Nanotechnology (IANT), is a non-profit organization with the goals to foster scientific research and business development in the areas of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for the benefits of society. Read More…

Nanoethics Group

Technology: Societal

The Nanoethics Group is a non-partisan and independent organization that studies the ethical and societal implications of nanotechnology. Read More…


Technology: Facilitator

Semi is the global association for suppliers enabling nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing technologies. Read More…