University of Connecticut – Nanoelectronics Laboratory

Technology: Electronics

High performance CMOS and flash memory devices are designed for extremely high speed and high density in order to achieve large computing power and data storage in small areas at low-costs, which requires technologies enabling small-scale devices. The fabrication technology and the knowhow currently available for the electronics industry as well as many of the academic nanofabrication facilities allow reliable fabrication and characterization of electronic devices in sub-50 nm regime. The group is trying to utilize these resources to investigate the interaction of thermal processes and electronic transport at small scales. Read More…

University of Connecticut – Nanomaterials Optoelectronics Laboratory

Technology: Various

The research group of Prof. Fotios Papadimitrakoupolos is an established, well diverse research program centered around molecular self organization. The research effort of the group includes a wide range from organic and medicinal chemistry to materials and devices in the area of nano-bio-systems. Much of the expertise is concentrated at the supramolecular assembly of man-made artificial organic chemicals and nanostructures and their unique interactions with biological entities (such as proteins, DNA and biocompatible polymers). Read More…

Yale University – Elimelech Research Group

Technology: Basic Research

Elimelech’s group at Yale focuses research on problems involving physicochemical and biophysical processes in engineered and natural environmental systems. Its work is at the interface of several disciplines, including nanotechnology, materials science, colloid/surface science, molecular biology, and separation science. Read More…

Yale University – Ismail Beigi Research Group

Technology: Basic Research

This research group studies condensed matter systems, often in the solid state, using first principles or ab initio methods. Topics include properties of nanostructures, especially nanowires and nanotubes. Read More…

Yale University – Mark A. Reed Group

Technology: Electronics

The Mark A. Reed Group at Yale University focuses on research in semiconductor nanowires and devices, quantum electron devices, transport phenomena in semiconductor heterojunction and nanostructured systems, reduced dimensionality effects, resonant tunneling transistors and circuits, novel heterojunction devices, molecular electronics, MEMS, bioMEMS, and nanotechnology. Read More…

Yale University – Quantronics Laboratory

Technology: Electronics

Quantronics Laboratory (Qlab) explores the world of mesoscopic electronics. Our present focus is on quantum superconducting tunnel junction circuits and their applications to information processing. In these systems, macroscopic collective degrees of freedom like currents and voltages behave quantum-mechanically. Our experimental techniques combine nanofabrication, dilution refrigeration and ultra-low-noise microwave measurements. Read More…