Dartmouth Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence
Technology: Life Sciences
Dartmouth has been designated as a Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (CCNE). The CCNE places Dartmouth among top centers in cancer nanotechnology research nationwide. CCNEs are tasked with integrating nanotechnology into basic and applied cancer research in order to provide new solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Read More…
Dartmouth College – Center for Nanomaterials Research
Technology: Materials
CNR at Dartmouth, is an interdisciplinary grouping of faculty and students studying the processing and properties of materials. Research focuses on nanoparticles, and nanocrystalline and nanocomposite materials both in the form of thin films and as bulk materials, with a substantial emphasis on magnetic materials. Read More…
Dartmouth College – Norris Cotton Cancer Center
Technology: Life Sciences
The Norris Cotton Cancer Center, in conjunction with Dartmouth College and Thayer School of Engineering, has a community of scientists, clinicians, and engineers, focused on the enormous potential of nanotechnology for improving cancer diagnostics and therapy. The group pulls together these diverse communities for educational and research purposes. Read More…
University of New Hampshire – Miller Research Group
Technology: Various
The Miller Group at the University of New Hampshire conducts research at the intersections of synthetic and physical-organic chemistries, materials chemistry and nanotechnology. Read More…