Brown University – Breuer Lab
Technology: Various
The Breuer Lab is active in research covering a wide variety of topics, including: Micron and nanometer scale fluid mechanics; Animal motion, in particular, bat flight and bacterial motility; Turbulent shear flows and shear flow control; Diagnostic methods for fluid mechanics. Read More…
Brown University – Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation
Technology: Facilitator
The Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation (IMNI) was founded as an umbrella organization to support centers and collaborative research teams in targeted areas of the molecular and nanosciences. Much of IMNI research activity is centered around three broad themes: Center for Advanced Materials Research; Center for Nanoscience & Soft Matter; and Nanohealth Initiative. IMNI is a polydisciplinary venture representing nine departments across campus. IMNI serves as a focal point for interaction with industry, government, and our affiliated hospitals. Read More…
Brown University – Laboratory for Environmental and Health Nanoscience
Technology: Materials
The R. Hurt laboratory at Brown focuses on the creation of 3D nanomaterial architectures and new nano-enabled technologies. We also study the potential adverse effects of emerging 2D nanomaterials on human health and the environment and work to identify safe design rules rooted in fundamental materials chemistry and physics that will enable their successful development and commercialization. We specialize in work on graphene-based materials, inorganic 2D materials, and metallic nanoparticles, and seek to understand the complex problems that arise at the interface between synthetic nanomaterials and natural and living systems. Read More…
Brown University – Laboratory for Impossible Technologies
Technology: Various
Among other areas, this lab pursues research into micro- and nanofabrication and nanoscience. Read More…
Brown University – Nano & Micromechanics Laboratory
Technology: Materials
Research and education carried out in this laboratory are associated with the experimental, computational and conceptual study of nanomechanics and micromechanics of materials. Read More…
Brown University – Sun Research Group
Technology: Materials
The Sun Research Group, through the Nanoscale Materials Lab, is interested in nanoscale materials synthesis, self-assembly and applications in biomagnetics, catalysis, information storage and magnetic nanocomposites, including nanoparticle (NP) research covering two general aspects: (1) Chemical synthesis and self-assembly of NPs; and (2) Elaboration of functional NPs for applications in a) Catalysis, b) Biomedicine and c) Energy. Read More…