Austin Community College – Nanoelectronics Workforce Development Initiative
Technology: Facilitator
The Nanoelectronics Workforce Development Initiative, under the leadership of SEMATECH, ATDF, and Austin Community College, is leading the way toward developing a nanoelectronics workforce in Central Texas. Read More…
International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON)
Technology: Various
The creation of a sustainable nanotechnology industry requires meaningful and organized relationships among diverse stakeholders. ICON is aimed at providing such interactions for a broad set of members. Managed by Rice University’s Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, ICON activities ensure effective nanotechnology stewardship through risk assessment, research and communication. Read More…
Lamar University – Materials Engineering And Nanosensor (MEAN) Laboratory
Technology: Various
In past decades, nanostructured materials have shown promise of revolutionizing a number of areas, including theranostic, electronic, and photonic materials. Applications of these fields include yet a wider range of specialities, which can be incorporated into sensor material design. This shall be the focus of the MEAN Lab; fundamental material properties and applications of nanomaterials to sensor design. The MEAN Lab shall span a spectrum of expertise (e.g. – nanomaterials, bionanotechnology, interfacial science, electrochemistry), all of which fall under the umbrella of sensor design. Read More…
NASCENT – Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies
Technology: Manufacturing
The NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center (NERC) for Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies (NASCENT) will develop high throughput, high yield and versatile nanomanufacturing systems to take nano-science discoveries from the lab to the marketplace. The Center is led by The University of Texas at Austin and includes two partner institutions – University of California at Berkeley and University of New Mexico. Also included are Seoul National University in South Korea and Indian Institute of Science. Read More…
Rice University – Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology
Technology: Basic Research
The Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology (CBEN) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) at Rice University. Aiming to transform nanoscience into a field with the impact of a modern-day polymer science, CBEN focuses on research at the interface between “dry” nanomaterials and aqueous media such as biology and the environment, developing the nanoscience workforce of the future, and transferring discoveries to industry. Read More…
Rice University – Colvin Group
Technology: Materials
Projects all involve the control and understanding of material properties on nanometer length scales, including new chemical approaches to forming uniform nanocrystals and highly ordered porous solids, and using these materials as tools for answering fundamental questions about nature. Our materials research may impact emerging technologies in areas as diverse as bioinformatics and photonics. Read More…
Rice University – Halas Nanophotonics Group
Technology: Photonics; Plasmonics
The group is focused on four principal missions: To design new optically active nanostructures driven by function; To develop and implement new nanofabrication strategies to build, orient, and pattern these nanostructures into new materials and devices; To characterize and understand the physical properties of these optically active nanostructures, devices and materials; and To prototype the use of optically active nanostructures in applications of potential technological and broad societal interest. Read More…
Rice University – Laboratory for Nanophotonics
Technology: Photonics
A resource for research breakthroughs and advances in the broad, multidisciplinary field of Nanophotonics, spanning the physical, chemical, biological and information sciences, of near and long-term societal benefit; team-building and collaborative opportunities in the field of Nanophotonics at Rice, regionally, nationally and internationally; graduate education and training programs in Nanophotonics; and undergraduate research experiences that will provide advantages in subsequent graduate and professional opportunities. Read More…
Rice University – Materials Science and NanoEngineering
Technology: Photonics
Faculty in the Department of Materials Science and NanoEngineering hold joint appointments in several other departments. This diversity of disciplines promotes research in the areas of Advanced Manufacturing; Biomaterials; Carbon Nanomaterials Composites; Computational Materials Science and Material Theories; Electron Microscopy and in situ Methods; Electronic Materials; Energy Conversion and Storage; Low Dimensional Materials; Metallurgy & Metals processing; Mechanical Properties and Nanomechanics; Nanotechnology; Optical Materials, Photonics and Nanoplasmonics; Surfaces, Interfaces, Coatings and Thin Films; and Ultralight-Weight Ultrahigh-Strength Multifunctional Materials. Read More…
Rice University – McDevitt Research Group
Technology: Life Sciences
The McDevitt Lab is a Houston-based medical microdevice group committed to improving the speed, accuracy and affordability of disease diagnosis on a global basis. Read More…
Rice University – Nanomaterials, Nanomechanics and Nanodevices lab (N3L)
Technology: Various
The Nanomaterials, Nanomechanics and Nanodevices lab (N3L) at Rice University is led by Prof. Jun Lou. Their interests lie in the areas of nanomaterial synthesis, nanomechanical characterization and nanodevice fabrication for energy, environmental and biomedical applications. Read More…
Rice University – Smalley-Curl Institute (SCI)
Technology: Various
Rice University has merged two of its multidisciplinary research institutes, the Richard E. Smalley Institute for Nanoscale Science and Technology and the Rice Quantum Institute, to form a new entity, the Smalley-Curl Institute (SCI). Research in SCI encompasses advanced materials, quantum magnetism, plasmonics and photonics, biophysics and bioengineering, ultracold atom physics, condensed matter and chemical physics, and all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Read More…
Rice University – Tour Group
Technology: Various
The Tour group at Rice University. Scientific research areas include molecular electronics, chemical self-assembly, conjugated oligomers, electroactive polymers, combinatorial routes to precise oligomers, polymeric sensors, flame retarding polymer additives, carbon nanotube modification and composite formation, synthesis of molecular motors and nanotrucks, use of the NanoKids concept for K-12 education in nanoscale science. Read More…
Texas A&M University – Center for Nano-Science and Technology
Technology: Various
Research groups include: Molecular Nanomagnets; DNA Sequencing Arrays and Magnetotactic Bacteria; Fractal-Enhancement of Photon Band-Gap Cavities; A new plasma-based copper etching process for future Nano devices and circuits; Nano-scale Electro mechanics for Super capacitors; Nanoscale silicon devices and Nano-electro-mechanical systems; Electro optically tunable filters for fiber optic networks; Slow wave electro optic light modulators; Magnetic Nanoscale Hybrids; Spin Hall Effect; Microbolometers on Flexible Substrates; Sub 5 nm thick doped metal oxide high k films for future generations of VLSI devices; and Molecular Nanomagnets and Dual Property Molecular Materials. Read More…
Texas A&M University – Polymer NanoComposites Laboratory
Technology: Polymers
The PNC Lab is the research group of Professor Jaime Grunlan and is interested in nanostructure and microstructure of particle-polymer systems. Read More…
Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston
Technology: Materials
The center’s Nanoscale Materials and Applications has programs in nanomagnetics, inorganic nanomaterials, binano materials, and organic films nanocomposites. Read More…
Texas Institute for Intelligent Materials and Structures (TiiMS)
Technology: Various
The main focus of TiiMS is to develop and advance the nano and biotechnologies that enable our vision of adaptive, intelligent, shape-controllable micro and macro structures, for advanced aircraft and space systems. Read More…
Texas State University – Ingram School of Engineering
Technology: Various
The University will continue to focus its efforts on the development of nanotechnology breakthroughs in the fields of research through the Ingram School of Engineering and the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Technology. The University is continuing to work with emerging technology companies and has supported a number of successful ETF awardees. Read More…
University of Houston – Institute for NanoEnergy
Technology: Energy
The primary goal of INE is to develop breakthrough technologies in energy storage and generation (solar and wind) by developing organic based nano-photonic, nano-phononic and nanomechanical composites that are manufactured by means of sophisticated material control mechanisms. This is achieved through the use of a variety of techniques including electron and optical microscopy, spectroscopy, nanofabrication and self-assembly. The ability to design, assemble and engineer nanostructures will rely predominately on understanding and controlling the interactions between the nanostructures. Read More…
University of Texas at Arlington – Shimadzu Institute Nano Technology Research Center
Technology: Various
The Shimadzu Institute Nanotechnology Research Center provides a variety of specialized research and teaching labs. Research areas include Healthcare (Biomedical Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems; Optical Bio and Chemical Sensors; Nanopores and Micropores for molecule and cell identification), Renewable Energy (Advanced Solar Cell Materials/Energy; Plasmonic Nanostructures; Vibrational Energy Harvesting Devices; Micros-scale Heat Transport/Dissipation/Conversion) and Wide Application Sensor Systems (Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems; Flexible Nanoelectronics; Single Electron Devices; Quasi-Optical Wireless Communication/Radar Components and Systems; Semiconductor Lasers). Read More…
University of Texas at Arlington – Metal Nanostructures Laboratory
Technology: Magnetics
Research at the lab involves the fabrication, characterization and applications of novel magnetic nanostructures, including multilayer films, nanorods, nanodisks and nanotubes. Read More…
University of Texas at Arlington – Nano-Bio Physics Group
Technology: Life Sciences
Nano-Bio Physics is a new and interdisciplinary program being developed at UTA Physics department. The goal is to develop a strong research and education program among nanotechnology, biotechnology and Physics. Read More…
University of Texas at Arlington – Surface and Nano Engineering Laboratory
Technology: Basic Research
Research activities in the lab are concerned with basic and applied processing-structure-property relationship with emphasis on nanotechnology and small-scale materials (nano materials, surface treatments and layers, thin films, coatings, materials for MEMS and NEMS and nano devices). Read More…
University of Texas at Austin – Center for Nano- and Molecular Science (CNM)
Technology: Various
The Center for Nano- and Molecular Science (CNM) is a multidisciplinary research center within the Texas Materials Institute (TMI). The Center’s mission is to foster research, education, and outreach in nanotechnology at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). Read More…
University of Texas at Austin – Microelectronics Research Center (MRC)
Technology: Various
The mission of the Microelectronics Research Center (MRC) at The University of Texas at Austin is to perform education, research and development in materials and electronic devices. MRC is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI). Read More…
University of Texas at Austin – Nanoelectronics Research Lab
Technology: Various
The group is exploring the growth and electronic properties of quantum confined systems, such as semiconductor nanowires and graphene, for novel high speed, low power electronic devices. They are interested in band engineered Ge-SiGe core-shell nanowires and field-effect transistors, spin transport in germanium nanowires, and the electronic properties of graphene bilayers. Read More…
University of Texas at Austin – Nanoscale Design & Manufacturing Laboratory
Technology: Manufacturing
The Nanoscale Design and Manufacturing Laboratory (NDML) at the University of Texas at Austin focuses on the design and development of novel processes and equipment for the manufacturing of micro and nanoscale devices and structures. Read More…
University of Texas at Austin – Nanoscience and Technology Lab
Technology: Various
The Ruoff group is located in the department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Texas. Major interests are: Synthesis and properties of nanostructures including CNTs and graphene; Energy and the Environment; Preparation and properties of composites; Nanomanipulation and nanorobotics; Instrument development and technology transition; New tools and methods for the biomedical sciences. Read More…
University of Texas at Austin – SouthWest Academy of Nanotechnology (SWAN)
Technology: Electronics
SWAN is one of the three centers created in 2006 by the semiconductor Research Corporation Nanoelectronics Research Initiative (SRC-NRI) to find a replacement to conventional metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors. SRC-NRI is a consortium of TI, Freescale, AMD, MICRON, Intel and IBM. Read More…
University of Texas at Dallas – Micro/Nano Devices and Systems Laboratory (MiNDS)
Technology: Basic Research
The Micro/Nano Devices and Systems Lab focuses on developing a variety of micro- and submicron scale multifunctional devices and systems for biomedical, photonics, and RF/microwave applications. Read More…
University of Texas at Dallas – Nanoscale Integration Lab
Technology: Integration
The research group of Walter Hu focuses on integrating nanoscale elements of electronics, chemistry, and biology. Such nano-bio-engineering fusion may provide rare opportunities to explore new science and applications. Read More…
University of Texas at Dallas – Nanotech Institute
Technology: Basic Research
The Alan G. MacDiarmid NanoTech Institute develops new science and technology exploiting the nanoscale. Read More…