Biologically Inspired Materials Institute (BIMat)
Technology: Materials
The Biologically Inspired Materials Institute (BIMat) was established by NASA under the University Research, Engineering and Technology Institute (URETI) program. The principal goal for BIMat researchers is to develop bio-nanotechnology materials and structures for aerospace vehicles. Read More…
Mid-Atlantic Nanotechnology Alliance (MANA)
Technology: Facilitator
MANA is a collaboration to develop and position the tri-state region (PA, NJ, DE) as a global hub for the expanded research, development, application and commercialization of nanotechnology. Read More…
Midwest Institute for Nanoelectronics Discovery (MIND)
Technology: Electronics
A research consortium whose goal is to develop the next class of semiconductor materials and devices. The consortium includes Purdue University, the University of Illinois, Pennsylvania State University, the University of Michigan, Argonne National Laboratory, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. Read More…
Nanofactory Collaboration
Technology: Various
The precursor to the Nanofactory Collaboration was informally initiated by Robert Freitas and Ralph Merkle in the Fall of 2000 during their time at Zyvex. Their continuing efforts, and those of others, have now grown into direct collaborations among 23 researchers or other participants (including 16 Ph.D’s or Ph.D candidates) at 10 institutions in 4 countries (U.S., U.K., Russia, and Belgium), as of 2006. Read More…
NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon
Technology: Facilitatorh3>
Twelve leading companies involved in the commercialization of carbon nanomaterials and products formed the NanoSafety Consortium for Carbon (“NCC”) to address global legal, regulatory, environmental, health, and safety issues related to the responsible commercialization of their products. Read More…
National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN)
Technology: Facilitatorh3>
The NNIN is an integrated networked partnership of user facilities, supported by the National Science Foundation, serving the needs of nanoscale science, engineering and technology. The mission of National NNIN is to enable rapid advancements in science, engineering and technology at the nano-scale by efficient access to nanotechnology infrastructure by providing shared open, geographically diverse laboratories. Read More…
The NNIN is an integrated networked partnership of user facilities, supported by the National Science Foundation, serving the needs of nanoscale science, engineering and technology. The mission of National NNIN is to enable rapid advancements in science, engineering and technology at the nano-scale by efficient access to nanotechnology infrastructure by providing shared open, geographically diverse laboratories. Read More…